Home Workout Exercises - 2 Easy Exercises For Building Strong, Toned Calves

The nice thing about home workout exercises, especially in these hard economic times is that you need very little in money and gym equipment in order to get started. There are workouts for every part of your body.

Who needs home workout exercises? The short and quick answer is: all of us. Studies have shown that we just aren't having enough exercise. Whether you are planning to lose weight or you simply want to enjoy a healthier lifestyle, home-based workouts will make a huge difference in the quality of your life.

I've put together 2 easy workouts to develop your calf muscles. We need calf muscles to walk, run and support our body. You need to develop you calves muscles in order to have a balanced physique. All too often, people tend to neglect that part of their body.

Calf pushes - This is an exercise designed to build up your calf muscles using an exercise ball. Here is how: with your two feet firmly placed on the floor, rest your upper back (at the lever of your shoulders) on the ball.

Raise your heels off the floor while you make sure that your buttocks and abdominal muscles remain contracted throughout. Keep the pose for a while then return the heels to the ground.

Calf raises - This is a very simple exercise to build up calves. Stand on one leg on the edge of a slightly raised surface. Make sure that your body weight is only supported by your toes (the heel is suspended). Now slowly lower your heel until it almost touches the floor. Then move it back up. Try to do this 10 times, and then switch legs.

The beauty of the 2 home workout exercises I've just explained is that they both are very easy to perform and yield remarkable results.

Discover how to get ripped in less than 90 days from home with the P90X Exercise Program and be sure to read my shocking P90X review.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JP_Davis

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