A Simple And Effective 10 Minute Home HIIT Workout You Can Do In Your Living Room

Beginners to exercise programs can easily be overwhelmed with complex workouts. Trying to do advanced exercises that are either too tough or too complicated to perform is frustrating, and makes it easy to give up on exercising in general. Your workouts don't have to be a complicated mash of difficult exercises. It just needs to give you exercise and challenge your muscles. The goal of aerobic exercise is not to get your heart rate up, but to challenge your major muscle groups by sustaining exercise. If you do that, your heart rate will go up. Heart rate can be used as an indicator of how hard you are working out. The easier an activity, the longer you should go. For example, if you can sing an entire song during the exercise, you could probably continue it for hours. So make sure you match your intensity to the time frame you have set aside to workout in.

In the case of this program, the goal here is to let yourself go wild. Go as hard as you are able and feel capable of and complete the following exercises in order. Once you complete the repetitions for one exercise, move straight into the next one. Do them back to back without stopping. This is a high intensity workout, so don't do this if you aren't ready.

This workout will take around 10-12 minutes depending on how fast you do the repetitions. It is set up to follow the High Intensity Interval Training exercise strategy. The HIIT strategy will have you perform short bouts of intense exercise followed by a short rest. Usually there is a 2:1 ratio of exercise to rest. So in our case, you'll be exercising at an intense pace for around 2 minutes 30 seconds, and then you'll be resting for 1 minutes 15 seconds. To start out, make sure you warm up and have stretched lightly. Do the following exercises back-to-back without stopping.

100 jumping jacks - These will most likely burn your calves like crazy especially if you don't run often. Everyone knows how to do a jumping jack. And if you don't it's time for you to find out.

10 burpees - Your heart will be racing just after a few of these. It doesn't take many of these to get you out of breath.

30 mountain climbers - Do these and all the above exercises as fast as you are able. Go immediately from burpees to mountain climbers and climb that non-existent mountain as fast as you feel you are able.

Rest - Take a much needed rest. If you pushed yourself, you probably can't even talk because you're breathing so hard. That's where you want to be. Rest for 1 minute 15 seconds and do the above set of exercises again.

Do this cycle a total of 3 times and you will have completed an excellent intense workout that will help you improve your fitness. Make sure to stretch after you've cooled down to improve your flexibility and help prevent injuries. This workout can be done up to 3 times a week. The other days will be needed for recovery.


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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Conrad

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